Our Pastor

Dr. Skeetter Holmes

Dr. Skeetter Holmes is the Founder and senior pastor of Reaching The World Ministries International, a multicultural,
non-denominational church located in Flint, Michigan where he was born and raised. He accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as
Savior at a young age and built a relationship with Him at the age of nineteen when he needed to hear God for himself.
Dr. Holmes accepted the call to preach the Gospel in 2002 at the age of twenty four years old as he served under his
spiritual leaders, Pastor Harold and Sherri Britton which sowed into his spiritual life. In 2006 he married the love of his
life Lady Donna Holmes, which works with him in ministry making a dynamic team of faith.

The ministry that God released in him didn’t start at the church, but in the streets of the City of Flint. Where he was sent
and covered by the prayers of his spiritual leaders, believing that every man in authority needs to know how to be subject
to authority, which releases the true power and ability to be used by God. He evangelized and preached the Gospel of
Jesus everywhere he went, from the corner to neighborhood, the projects, parks, stores, hospitals, jails, detention center, churches,
neighborhood engagements, community events and everywhere he could. God called him to pastor in 2010 speaking to him in dreams and visions, confirming them through his spiritual leaders.

After coming into agreement and much prayer with his wife, God gave him the foundational scripture and the name of the
ministry “Reaching The World Ministries International,” which was birthed forward and manifested itself in April 2013.
In exercising their faith, God gave them a new building worth more than a half of million dollars to start the ministry
which He called them to. Not renting, but a place to call home, where God ordained them to minister to the whole man,
spirit, soul and body. Their assignment is to Reach Up to God in prayer and communication, Reach Out the church with
evangelism, Reach In the church ministering to the people inside, Reach Down with God confirming the work.

Dr. Holmes is known for his uncompromising faith and integrity, committed to bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to
people locally and all over the world, literally Reaching The World one person at a time, raising up mature believers in
Christ, while leaving room for continually improvements and creating opportunities for others to improve also.

Dr. Holmes success in life and ministry is attributed to him standing on Mark 11:22 Jesus answering saith unto them,
Have Faith in God. Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. 17 And these signs shall
follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 They shall take up
serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
He is the founder and president of R.O.L.E., “Reaching Out Love Everyday,” which is a non-profit outreach ministry. He
also is the founder of Reaching The World Enterprises, which is a for-profit ministry that owns and operates two rental

Dr. Holmes believes that there’s no school like the school of the Holy Spirit, which is the true teacher. He also states that
God will take the knowledge you learn in a natural school with faith and turn it into revelation knowledge. Being a student
of the Word of God he attended Forgotten Man Ministries Correspondence School receiving many certificates, Rhema
Correspondence Bible School receiving many certificates, Christian Research and Development Institute receiving a
certificate in Biblical Counseling, Bethlehem Bible Institution receiving a diploma of Biblical Studies and Theology, and
a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education, Destiny College International receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Christian
Leadership, a Masters of Arts in Christian Leadership, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Leadership, He also attended Oral
Robert University online school.

Dr. Holmes serves as a devoted husband to his wife Lady Donna Holmes, with five extraordinary children, Elisha
Holmes, Jeremiah Holmes, Dearea Holmes, D’Angelo Woodley, Tiara Harris and three extraordinary grandchildren.

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